I was talking to my brother last night and he was giving me a hard time about not posting anything in the blog for a while. When I looked at it, I noticed that Sara had challenged me to post six things about me and I would like to include some facts about our family so that I can fill all six of them. I've been tagged!
Here are the rules: Player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post, player then tags 6 people and posts their names. Then player goes to their blog and posts a comment telling them that they have been tagged and asking them to read player's blog for rules
1. We are all tired of living in an apartment. The kids go crazy because they don't have any place to really run around. We do have a fairly large patio, but Keegan has started throwing things off of it and so that has to be monitored. Gerald and I
do not like hauling groceries up three flights of stairs. I guess we were spoiled in Rexburg with our townhouse. Hopefully we will be able to buy a house in the next year. To have a backyard where the kids can run around would be great!
2. Our kids are growing up really fast. I can't believe that Mya is three and a half and Keegan is almost eighteen months. It feels just like yesterday when Mya was born. There are some advantages of them getting older. Mya will be starting preschool next year. I am excited about that. It will be good for her to be around other kids her age during the day. Keegan is going into nursery in two weeks. Gerald is excited about that because he takes care of him during Sunday school and priesthood while I teach my primary class. They are a joy to have in our family and we love them lots.
3. We like it in Houston. When we first came here it was above 100 degrees and very hot and muggy. We were not so sure of our move and if we could really handle the change in temperature from Idaho. Now the weather is the best and we spend a lot of time outdoors, Everyone in Idaho is complaining about the cold and we are still in our shorts. Another thing about Houston we are excited about is the Houston Rockets games that we can go to. Professional sports was one thing that Gerald missed when we lived in Rexburg.
4. Keegan is learning to talk. It is exciting to see him grow and develop. The way that he says hi with so much enthusiasm is funny to me. It is probably the only word that you can recognize when he speaks. It is good to have Mya because she talks to him all the time and encourages him to speak and use new words every day.
5. Gerald is a great teacher. He really connects with the kids in his classroom. He spends a lot of time preparing for his classes and I know that it is going to make a difference in those kids lives.
6. I love being a mom. It is great to be able to wake up and know that I can spend the day with Mya and Keegan. It is fun to plan activities for them and teach them about the gospel. Mya loves to read and is always asking me to read books. When Gerald gets home she likes to read the scriptures with him. There are some difficult days, but I love the challenge. I love being the constant person in their lives and it is so fulfilling to see them grow and develop.
I am going to tag
Tina, Rachelle, and Reece. I don't know six people with blogs so three is going to have to do.