Saturday, September 26, 2009

Another Mya Post

Yes, we have another child. It just seems like there is more going on in Mya's little world then in Keegan's right now.

Yesterday Deedra came and did makeovers for both Mya and I. I had to take a picture of Mya so that you can see that she truly does get the full treatment and that it is a serious undertaking when it comes to doing her hair. Here she is, sitting under the dryer with curlers in her hair getting her fingernails and toenails painted. She was so disappointed when I sent her to school on Friday morning with just a ponytail and barretts to hold back the loose hair. She is such a princess.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mya Lost Her First Tooth

On Sunday Mya came and asked me what was wrong with her tooth. Upon examination I told her that it was going to fall out to make room for her big girl teeth. She has been patiently waiting and wiggling it in hopes that it would fall out. Today Keegan and I met Mya for lunch and took her some McDonalds. While we were eating she pulled something out of her mouth and asked what it was. I told her that it was the tooth that she had been waiting for. She had to tell all her friends that were sitting around us and then she got to put her name on the tooth chart in the classroom. She was asking at 5:00 if we could have dinner so that she could go to bed early because the toothfairy doesn't come until you are asleep. I don't think that quarters will cut it like they did when I was five. I was talking to some of the kids in Mya's class that had already lost teeth and couldn't believe that amount of money that they got. There are a lot of expectations of the easter bunny, the toothfairy, and santa clause. I have a deeper appreciation for all that my parents did for me to make all those times special.