Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Almost Summer!

I can only use Gerald's calling as the Bishop as an excuse as to why I am to busy to update the blog for so long....Things have slowed down considerably since I graduated and school will be out for the summer in five short days! I feel like I have climbed Mount Everest at this point! It has been a CrAZy year!

Let's start with the youngest....Jake turned one on April 6th. He keeps me really busy with all his energy. He wants to be right there with all the other kids and thinks that it is unfair that he has to be inside when the other kids are outside. I honestly can't believe that a year has already gone by. The older I get the faster that time fly's :)

Keegan is sooo excited to start kindergarten. This is all that I have heard about for the past three months and will continue to probably hear about for the next two and a half until it starts. Meanwhile he will continue to give me a heart attack with how active he is. Yesterday he was playing in the toy room when he fell and split open his head (just like his mother that did it three times when I was a kid). I feel like I stayed really calm even though there was blood everywhere. Boys will be boys right?

Mya understands the value of summer vacation this year. She was not happy to see kindergarten come to an end and didn't really understand why people NEEDED a summer vacation, but after this year she is looking forward to sleeping in and relaxing. She talks about all the time that we are going to spend at the library.

I can't make any promises, but I really hope that it isn't three more months until I update the blog again. I am hoping that this summer is going to have lots of "Bloggable" memories for us.