Sunday, April 6, 2008


I don't know how many of you have heard of this game, but it is lots of fun. It is great to be able to get out of the house and socialize with other women. The first time I went I got the biggest loser prize. I am getting better though, I didn't win anything, but I didn't lose either.

When we get together we have dinner before starting bunco. This week they were cooking and the timer fell of next to the gas burner and caught on fire. We were able to get it out without burning the hostesses house down.

Here is a picture of all of us together.

1 comment:

Sara Birch said...

My friend Tiffany is part of a Bunco group and invited me to go one time last fall. It is a way fun thing to do! So glad you are able to be part of a group.