Monday, June 9, 2008

Our Baby is 2

Keegan had a Birthday last Thursday, June 5th. I can't believe that he turned two. I am going to quote all the old people including my own mother when I say, "Time really does fly." Something current about Keegan.... He loves the movie cars. He asks if he can watch it everyday. Mya has told him everyday that she doesn't like that movie and she doesn't want to watch it AGAIN. When we go to friend's houses he finds all their car memorabilia and plays quietly in the corner while we are there.

For his Birthday we got him a little tricycle so that he can play in the driveway. There was "some assembly required." Gerald was patient enough to put it together for him. What a great dad.
"CHEESE"... Keegan is sure to say it everytime that he sees a camera. I think that it is super cute.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Keegan is super cute! I love your house! It looks so nice! Congrats again! When are you guys going back East?