I guess you can say that it was a new years resolution more then a goal. I decided that I wanted to develop my talents on the piano. I took lessons when I was a kid, but unfortunatly I was not as dedicated to them. I do know the basics, I just want to be better. Thanks to a great friend, I was able to get an electric keyboard (THANKS KAREENA). I have been playing pretty consistantly. Another talented friend of mine (GAYLA) has shown me a great websight for simplified primary music. I am going to be using a lot of ink in our printer now so that I can play the songs and Mya can sing along. She loves music and is always dancing and singing to anything that is on. I figure it is a good way for her to learn the music for the programs and a nice way for me to continue my new years resolution.
Here is the websight for the simplified primary music......
Go you! I've always wanted to play the piano, but my parents never would put me in lessons. Anyways, way to work on goals...self improvement is always nice!
I am sooo glad to be listed as a useful friend. Let me know if you need any help refreshing your memory at the keyboard! I had a resolution to practice more often and to actually learn a new piece really well this year...I guess I'd better get started!
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