I went down to Adam and Jessica's house down in Northshore to watch the boys for the day. I ended up spending a half an hour waiting at a light here in Crosby and then at 90 and beltway 8 it was backed up and I ended up waiting at that light for 45 minutes. The lights are not working and people have to use them as a four way stop. (After almost two weeks of treating stoplights like this I have even found myself using the lights that do work as stop signs.) UGH!!!! A trip that should only take 20 minutes tops, took me an hour and fifteen minutes.
I went over to the grocery store and was suprised that there was not much of a selection with the fridge and freezer foods. I talked to a neighbor who is an employee and she said that they have had to clean them out before they could put the food in them. This is what the meat section looked like in our local Walmart.......
I took the Callahan boys to the park when I was down in Northshore on Monday. There was a huge tree that was knocked down by the wind. We went over and took some pictures next to it.
Look at the lightpost that went right between the limbs.
Good Times.....Good Times........
I can't believe. It puts a whole new spin on being prepared.
Crazy!!! I can't believe that it took over an hour to get where you were going when it usually takes 20minutes!!
The food shortage makes you think how you need to stock up on food storage...I hope you're better at getting it together than I am!
WE are thinking of you hope things will get back to normal real soon!
I knew I should have stopped in the other side of houston for groceries. When I went last night it was definatly slim pickings! Robert comes home from work on the beltway and 90, he told me how horrible it was, so I when I came back home I went through Highlands. Loads of destruction out there too.
Hey Robert reports that today the light is working on Beltway and 90!
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