Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Strega Nona

We went on an adventure on Monday. We took all the kids to the Miller Outdoor Theater to watch the play Strega Nona. Most of the kids didn't understand what a play even was. They kept asking what it was that we were going to play. We tried to explain that it was like a movie with real people. It was definatly a culture experience for all of our little preschoolers.
Here is all of us sitting and waiting for it all to begin. Strega Nona was one of my favorite stories from when I was a kid and I was super excited when I saw that it was going to be at the Miller Outdoor Theater.

The story begins with Strega Nona who is seeking help from someone in both outdoor and indoor chores. The first to respond to her advertisement is tall, clumsy Big Anthony.
Strega Nona assigns Big Anthony to various chores around her house, but she also warns him not to touch her magic pasta pot, an enchanted pot that produces pasta at the command of a spell. In the middle of one of his chores, Anthony spies on Strega Nona conjuring pasta from the pasta pot. He also watches as she commands the pot to stop producing pasta. Anthony does not observe Strega Nona blow three kisses after commanding the pasta pot to stop producing pasta.
When Strega Nona spends a day to visit her friend Strega Amelia, Big Anthony uses the opportunity to spread the news of the pasta pot and serve everyone pasta. However, because he did not know how to properly stop the pasta pot from producing pasta, the pasta continued to flow, flooding the town with pasta.
Fortunately, Strega Nona returns from her visit and commands the pasta pot to stop producing pasta, blowing three kisses after issuing her command. Big Anthony ends up having to eat all of the pasta that flooded the town as punishment for disobeying Strega Nona.


April said...

Oh how fun.I did not know what the play was about when I ran down the list of remaining shows. Sounds like it was a good one. Did you take all the kids yourself? Kudos! Your brave!

Brianne said...

No April, Gala and I went too...but she could probably do it on her own, she is pretty brave. ;)

I'm so glad we went. Austin was telling Marcus, grandmas and grandpas about it all week. We'll have to plan more outings!! (less teaching...j/k) teehee

* Nancy * said...

Good for you on getting out and watching Strega Nona with the kids!
How is Seminary going? Keep us updated on that!
Have a nice week!