Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Upside of a bad Economy.... $1.97 gallon gas

I remember not to long ago when I was driving by the gas station and thinking...."I am sure that I will not see gas under $3.00 again." CNN has been reporting that our money isn't worth much and that is one of the reasons that gas prices have been declining so rapidly the last little while. One of the reasons I am grateful that our money isn't worth much anymore... when I drove by the gas station yesterday it was under $2.00 a gallon!!!! I can now fill up our SUV in under $30.00. Oh Happy Days Are Here Again. What is your gas prices? Crosby is 1.97 a gallon for unleaded.


April said...

Just goes to show the greedy oilman industry in the past! Yes, it has been a blessing! Hopefully it will last through summer and stay!

Bridges Family said...

I still can't believe you guys are paying 1.97, we are still at 3.25 for unleaded and 4.60 for diesel. Hope all is going well with your family. Give the kids hugs and kisses and tell them Aunt Jamie loves them. Talk to you later sis.

Just US said...

Near Seattle WA it is $2.11

* Nancy * said...


That is great that you have been able to enjoy the $1.97 or less for a while now!
We finally have gas for $1.91! Yay for cheaper gas!

Maurice said...

I love it! We're at $1.70 for unleaded and supreme, which we use, is only at $2.09. Woohoo!