Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tribute to Gayla

One of my really good friends has decided to follow her heart and move back to Angelfire New Mexico. I don't know why, afterall it is less populated then Houston, cooler in temperature, and they get to do all the outdoor activities that they love because it is nestled in beautiful landscapes. I am definatly jelous!!! Some of our close friends got together on Monday at Olive Garden and had a farewell dinner.

Gayla "cautiously" questioning the card that we got her....

Having a good laugh over the singing card

I will miss you Gayla!!!!!!!


Sara Birch said...

Its always sad to see good friends move away. Looks like you had a nice ladies night out!

Golfersfamily said...

You're so sweet! Miss you already girl! Hope you're hangin' in there;)

Brianne said...

Will you photoshop my face into one of those pictures?? I so wish I could have been there! I miss you all and now I won't see Gala again, at least for a long time if ever at all. Miss you!!