Last week we were scheduled for an ultrasound to find out what we were having. Gerald got off work early. Jessica came and got her kids early and a really good friend Kareena volunteered to watch Mya and Keegan so that we could go to the appointment. We ended up being late for the appointment and they could not get us into the ultrasound. To say that everyone was disappointed was an understatement. Well we went home and waited it out for one more week. Today we did it all over again and this time we were on time just to wait 35 minutes in the lobby. Don't you love that they expect you to be on time to your appointment but if they are running late then it is okay? So the long awaited new is that it is a.........
BOY!!!!Now is the hard work to come to an agreement with the name. It is a good thing that we have 16 more weeks to figure that out.
I'm excited to start planning the shower!
So happy for you! Congrats! Good luck with the name hunt!
Congratulations! That is exciting.
Oh, I'm so excited for you!!!! Congrats! You'll have to let us know a name when you figure it out. Yay!
Fun times!!! Totally agree on the doctor scenerio. . . having worked in the offices a little, always wondered why they seem to get behind so easily. . . all that waiting. . . it's a hoax.
I love the picture of the feet so sweet!!. Congratulations on another boy, I am sure that Keegan will be thrilled for a little brother and that Mya will love being a big sister!!
We never had the problem with names because Jim always figured I had a list after they were born and then we would discuss it. With Aidan he wanted Michael, I wanted Aidan so we went for Aidan Michael :)
Congratulations on having another little boy!! I am sure that Keegan will LOVE having a little brother and Mya will love being a big sister!!
Keegan is going to love having a little brother - I hope they look alike. Is Mya excited, or was she hoping for a sister? I am so excited for you and wish we were nearer. Congratulaions!
MEG!!! YAAAAAAHHHHHHH Im soooo excited or you!! Another little boy!!
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