Thursday, July 8, 2010

What's Going On....

We have been REALLY lazy this summer. Spending lots of time reading books, watching movies, and sleeping in. We will probably continue to do this for one more month until reality hits again.
Mya turned 6 on July 3rd. She was happy to have a friend from school come and spend the night with her. They didn't go to bed until 10 which is late for my kids because bedtime is 7 during school. I was unhappy when they both decided to be up at 6:30 the next morning. The next day we went to the fourth of july parade that they had here in Crosby. I have become a fan of the parades because they are short and there aren't typically a lot of people that come out so the kids get lots of candy and I don't have to fight traffic. Keegan's favorite of course is the police cars and the fire truck. Mya said that she liked the boyscouts. I am hoping that it is because she knows some of the boyscouts and not because she is boy crazy. She is super excited to be going into first grade when school starts in August. I can't believe how big she is getting already.
Hope that all the rest of you are enjoying you summer too.


Alisha said...

We have had kind of a lazy summer too but mostly because I'm too tired to do anything or too sore or awkard! It nice to have just a quite time though and not feel rushed to do anything

Erica Marshall said...

Hey, sounds like a super great summer to me! We are starting to settle into that mode now, and I'm loving it!

bren said...

That blows my mind that your daughter is 6 because she was a newborn when we first moved into the 17th ward. Have I really been married for almost 6 years, and was it that long ago that I visit taught you?! Wow. Your kids are all so good looking btw. So cute!